Research & Evidence

We inspire action with evidence and research.
We build commitment to increased equity, achievement and educational attainment.
We engage and empower partners to increase student success from cradle to career.
We ensure the strength and sustainability of collective impact efforts in the community.
Leading Indicators of Success

Together, we can help every student prepare for a career pathway that leads to a living wage. We organize collective, community-wide efforts at significant education milestones for greater impact. This is the ambitious work of Summit Education Initiative: to help all students meet the high standards needed for the demands of the future. This is our vision for student success in Summit County. Every student. Every day. Cradle to career.

Per Healthy People 2030*, Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.
Higher levels of education contribute to a healthier population. At SEI our mission is to help the community realize equity in education and opportunities to thrive.
Systems Indicators

A Systems Indicator is
a qualitative or quantitative measurement that shows how inequities in outcomes, resources, decision-making power, and opportunities are distributed within groups and/or geographic areas. Their purpose is to inform policies and practices within systems, institutions, organizations, and programs. Systems Indicators can be used in combination with individual-level indicators to hold systems, organizations, and institutions accountable to create the conditions that are necessary for all children, youth, and their families to thrive, no matter their race, place, education, or income level. Systems Indicators below are marked with the compass icon.
*Healthy People 2030, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved 11/15/2023, from