Eighth Grade Reading
Reading proficiency in 8th grade is highly predictive of future success including high school graduation [1]. The charts below present eighth grade reading proficiency for students in Summit County Ohio belonging to different populations. The disparities seen in the charts highlight the need to reduce systemic inequality in educational opportunities.
The chart below reports the percentage of students proficient on the eighth grade state reading test by race/ethnicity since 2017. We see proficiency rates overall are between 51% and 58% over these years and the rate is currently at 51%. The data reflects trends seen nationally where there are large and persistent gaps between the test scores of students who are Black, Latino, and from low-income households and their White, Asian, and more economically advantaged counterparts [1].
The chart below reports the percentage of students proficient on the eighth grade state reading test by gender since 2017. We see a large disparity between gender with females scoring higher in each of these years.
The chart below reports the percentage of students proficient on the eighth grade reading test by selected demographic characteristics since 2017. We see a particular disparity between students experiencing economic disadvantagement and those not experiencing economic disadvantagement. Currently, we consider qualifying for free or reduced priced lunch as the indicator for economic disadvantagement. We are considering Diabled as students meeting the criteria for ODE Disability Condition [2].
The chart below reports the n-size for All Students in the data.
[1] “Math and Reading Proficiency in Grade 8 | Education-To-Workforce Indicator Framework.” Www.educationtoworkforce.org, 2024, www.educationtoworkforce.org/indicators/math-and-reading-proficiency-grade-8. Accessed 10 Jan. 2024.
[2] https://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Data/EMIS/EMIS-Documentation/Current-EMIS-Manual/FY24-EMIS-Manual_Combined.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US